Okay, it looks like three of my friends have tagged me. Now let me figure this out... does that mean I'm to find the 6th picture in my computer and write about it? I think that's what I understand from Karen's blog. If so, here goes...
This is a picture of my daughter (isn't she pretty???) sitting in the antique GMC pickup truck that my father restored. I think it's a 1949 model. That's my dad in the picture with her. The pickup was my great-grandfather's pickup (my mom's grandfather). My mom and dad acquired it some years ago. It was in horrible condition. My dad has taken it completely apart and restored every inch of it. The bed is made of the most gorgeous wood - from my uncle's trees. It really is incredible!
Now my Dad is in the process of restoring an old Corvair ragtop. After all, he has two daughters... so his reasoning is that he needs two vehicles to leave to them.
Now to my three friends... Did I do this right?