
- 2024 Goals -

I normally spend time during the week between Christmas and New Years setting goals for the coming year. However, this year I was sick that entire week - in bed, sick. AND on top of that, I was sleeping about 18-20 hours a day. Yes, I was pretty sick.

So, no goals were set. I hate that because my goals help me to stay on track through the year. I'm more productive with goals in mind.

What to do? I considered setting some year-long goals the next week, but I still wasn't recovered. Energy level was low and daily naps were required - so I decided to do something a bit different this year. Instead of annual goals, I'm going to set monthly goals. The plan is one goal each month.

January - Organize Virtual Event Class Kits
I've purchased/attended several virtual stamping events but haven't finished the cards. It's time to do something about that - past time. The best way to make that happen is to get the kits organized. That's my goal for January.

Task completed 01.16.2024

Oh my! So many events; some sessions completed but many are not.

February - Eliminate 12 X 12 Paper Pads
That might seem like a small task, but I kid you not, I had 103 different 12 X 12 pads of designer paper that I'd accumulated over the past 15+ years. It was just way too overwhelming, not to mention it took up too much space. So I went through each one, pulling the papers I thought I might use some day and then set aside the pads of paper to donate.

This picture is just a small part of the pads that have been set aside for donation. 

FYI, I went from 2 shelves of paper pads to about 5" of designer papers, which I'm storing with other sheets of 12 X 12 designer papers that I have in Totally Tiffany Paper Handlers.

Task completed 02.09.2024 

March - Reduce the Number of Sterilite Drawer Units
Well, that wasn't easy. I had several of these since years ago I'd used them to store my 12 x 12" papers. Then I used them for various card-making supplies. I got rid of some of them when we moved into this house last fall, but I still had 8 of the 3-drawer units. I wanted to cut the number in half.

This picture shows all but 2 sets of the drawers (they were in a closet). I did some sorting, purging, and reorganizing the contents of all 24 drawers and now only have the stack to the right of the desk, seen in the photo.

April - Sort, Purge and Organize Remaining Paper Pumpkin Kits
I have been slowly (VERY slowly) using my vast number of Paper Pumpkin kits, with a monthly series using one kit per month. However, I recently decided that some of the kits simply weren't my style and it was a stretch to make anything with the items included. Therefore, for this month's goal I went through all of my remaining kits and decided which ones to keep, and more importantly, which ones to ge rid of. 

I ended up getting rid of a dozen kits, but that means I still have 17 Paper Pumpkin kits (as seen in the photo). At my one per month status, I should complete the series in August of 2025. 

Task completed 04.12.2024

 - Sort and Purge Washi Tape from Three Drawer Units to One
I have way too much Washi Tape. It was cheap and I never knew what color/design I would want for my Bible Journaling tabs, which is mainly what I use Washi Tape for. 

I quickly realized I wasn't using it enough to merit the space it was taking. I did a serious purge - keeping just one of the drawer units and filling it with my most-likely-to-use Washi Tapes. The two gallon-size ziplock bags I purged went to our local thrift store, as did the two drawer units. I hope someone else can enjoy it.

Task completed 05.03.2024

updated 05.04.2024


  1. Best of luck with it. I am still finalizing my word.

  2. Love this word and I like your idea to organize and use stamps that are unused : )
