
Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The Daily Marker Coloring Challenge - Day #19

This is the nineteenth day of The Daily Marker 30 Day Coloring Challenge. This always stretches me. I love participating.

This time I've made the decision to stamp/ink one of the many previously uninked stamps in my vast collection to color each day. To make this even more challenging, I'm going to use a stamp from a different company each of the 30 days.

Yes... that's 30 uninked images from 30 different companies. I. can. do. it.

I'm only coloring images this time and will make cards with these colored images at some point in the future.

Day 19

High Hopes Andy and Patch Block
stamped with Memento Tuxedo Black Ink
colored with Copic Markers

Thanks for stopping by.
I'll post these 30-Day Coloring Challenge posts to my blog in the evenings (approximately 6:00 PM) each day. I'm also adding them to the FaceBook albums for The Daily Marker 30 Day Coloring Challenge. Oh, and I'll add them to Instagram and to Twitter, too.


  1. What a fun image to have coloured Jeanette

  2. Great job with Andy in his sailor suit and his sweet put!!
