
Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Mid-Week Joy Report

I am out of state on a trip - a major training event, so I'm hoping I'm learning a lot while you're reading this and checking out today's card. (Does that count as a JOY report?)

This past 7 days, I've made a total of 11 cards.

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This is the 23rd Wednesday of 2017. Each week I've created a card based on a little chapter in the book 50 Truths Worth Knowing. Some weeks are easier than others. Some weeks - like this one - are a HUGE stretch.

Work Can Be Sacred
Chapter 23

Ellen is a collector - a collector of colorful and beautiful Pueblo pottery. She is in awe of the craftsmanship. Each piece is a labor of love and artistry. To make the pot, the potter hand selects the clay - from a secret spot. Apparently each family has a secret place where they select their clay. Who knew? The potter works "tirelessly" to moisten the clay, create coils, carefully places the coils into the desired shape and then carefully smoothing it out until the pot is a paper-thin piece of pottery. A finish (called a slip) is placed on it and the pottery is again smoothed and buffed to a shiny high gloss.

The entire process takes days, sometimes even weeks, for a single pot.

Ellen says when she holds a Pueblo pot in her hands, she is reminded than "any work done with joy is itself a beautiful creation."

It is a FANTASTIC story. That's not where my stretch came. The stretch was in my inventory. I searched and searched and couldn't find anything that quite suited me. In the end, I resorted to making a card with a VERY inadequate pottery flower pot on it. I'm sorry. That's the best stretch I could come up with.

I do think the stamp (definition of joy) I used on the card is very appropriate for the story though.

a very glad feeling
extreme happiness
pleasure & delight

Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

Supplies Used

Stamps: Unity Treasure to Me stamped with Memento Tuxedo Black Ink and colored with Copic Markers

Punches: Stampin' UP!

Papers: Recollections Black and White and Stampin' UP! Groovy Guava CS and DP from my scrap file

Embellishment: Stampin' UP! Ribbon


  1. That was a lovely thought to create from Jeanette, and I think you did well with your card.

  2. What a fabulous sentiment and gorgeous floral paper for your pretty potted flower!! Great card, Jeanette!

    Happy learning!!
