
Thursday, April 20, 2017

Bible Journaling Day 17

NOTE: This is my second blog post of the day... so keep scrolling if you want to see my Christmas CraZy card, or go HERE.

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Today's Bible Journaling page is very VERY simple/plain. There's a good reason for that. Want to hear my tale?

I was behind in some DT responsibilities - release time is coming - so I had to make a lot of cards yesterday. That meant there was little time to do my Bible Journaling entry... but it's Day 17, and I can see the finish line of my personal 21- Day Bible Journaling Challenge, so I didn't want to skip the day.

But, I don't hate this page, so that's good.

Wisdom is better than foolishness, just as light is better than darkness. For the wise can see where they are going, but fools walk in the dark.
Ecclesiastes 2:13-14a

Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

Supplies Used

DP: from my scrap file
Glitter Washi Tape: from Target 
Arrows Washi Tape: from my friend Dawn
Lettering: from Illustrated Faith (but they were pink so I colored them)


  1. My prayer for today: Let me be wise and not walk in darkness! Great work, Jeanette!

  2. Jeanette, you selected a wonderful verse to journal today, and I love the artwork! As Lynn says, praying for wisdom and guidance to not walk in the evil of darkness. God bless you!!

    Bev Polen
    Guneaux Designs

  3. Love todays verse. You are taking me on a journey with this challenge.
