
Saturday, August 8, 2015

Mr. Banks and Rory Take Brittney for a Walk

Today there is a new challenge at Sweet Stampin'...

August 8 - 14

Theme: Anything But a Birthday

Here's the card I made:

I used a Tiddly Inks digi (Annabelle Puppy Love) on my card.

It's a very special card because it reminds me of my daughter. She LOVES "puppies" (which is not a reference to the dog's age, but rather it is her loving term for all dogs.) Brittney lives in Alaska during the school year, where she teaches Special Education in the bush. But this summer she was here in the lower 48 where she spent time with us, but also traveled to spend time with friend. She spent one week dog-sitting (and cats and horses) for a friend in Mississippi. The little "white puppy"  in this digi is her favorite of those pets - Mr. Banks. The sweet little "brown puppy" is Rory. And of course, the little girl had to have brown hair, since my daughter's hair is brown. ;)

BTW, today Brittney is flying back to her beloved Alaska where she will soon reacquaint herself with her favorite "Alaska bush puppy" - Pepper.

Here's the inside of my card:

Image on the inside is also a Tiddly Inks digi (Puppy Love).

Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

Images: Tiddly Inks
Ink: Copic Markers
Cardstock: Recollections Black and Stampin' UP! Taken with Teal
Designer Paper: My Mind's Eye Away We Go Paper Pad
Embellishments: Stampin' UP! Brads


  1. What a very special card for Brittany, Jeanette. It is gorgeous :-)

  2. A lovely card, Jeanette. Wishing your daughter a safe trip back to Alaska. Hugs, Tracey x

  3. Beyond gorgeous Jeanette. So sweet to read the story behind the creation. I bet your daughter loved her card. One to treasure for sure. Wishing her safe travels back to Alaska. Hugs, Wends x
