
Monday, June 9, 2014

H2O X 2

I have two "water-themed" cards today - a MelonHeadz Friends Challenge card and a very special card for the Carriers of Faith blog group... I hope you'll enjoy them both.

First the MelonHeadz Friends Challenge card:

Doesn't it just make you want to go hang out at the beach?

June 9 - 22

Theme: Summer Fun

Here's the inside:

I hope you'll participate in the MelonHeadz Friends Challenge!

* * * * *

Today being the 9th of June means it is also the day for the Carriers of Faith blog group to have some fun.

This month Paula is our "hostess" which means she chose the theme for our projects. Here is what she asked us to do:

Celebrate the Men In Your Life

Challenge: I want you to create a card or gift for your father or a male figure who has been influential in your Christian life. Create multiple projects if you wish for more than one of those special men.
1. Give the project to that man or men that you hold dear to you. Celebrate these people on or before Father's Day!
2. Use any scripture you like on your project. Just make sure the scripture has a prominent place somewhere on your project and share a pic where you used the scripture.
3. Tell us why you chose this person or persons and how they played a part in your walk with Christ.
4. Explain why you chose a particular scripture on your project.

I have always been very close to my dad and look up to him. He has taught me many lessons in life. One of the lessons I learned from him is to respect nature and to seek God in the beauty of nature that He has created. So I wanted to make a card for my dad that reflects his love for nature.

I think the Scripture verse on the inside of my card says a lot about my dad. I can remember how he would go to the fields, or the lake or stream, or just sit out among the trees and listen to the birds - not just because he enjoyed nature, but because he was communing with God.

Thank you, Daddy, for the many lessons you've taught me! I love you!

Please go to the other Carriers of Faith blogs to see what they've done with Paula's theme. You'll find links to their blogs in my left side bar.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

Image: MelonHeadz Illustrating Allison's Feeling Beachy Bundle
Ink: Copic Markers
Cardstock: Recollections Black and Stampin' UP! Pacific Point
Designer Paper: from my scrap file
Embellishments: American Crafts Ribbon and Stickles Glitter Glue

Image: Inky Antics Balloon Flight
Scripture: Our Daily Bread Quiet Waters
Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black and Copic Markers
Cardstock: Recollections Black and Stampin' UP! Cranberry Crisp
Designer Paper: Crate Paper DIY Shop and TPC Studio Reel Me In Dad
Embellishment: Stampin' UP! Cranberry Crisp Ribbon


  1. Jeanette--I love both of your cards, but the one for your dad puts tears in my eyes! It is stunning and I love that passage.

  2. What lovely cards. Such a lovely selection. Judy x

  3. OH Jeanette, you've got the gambit of goodness here today - from the cheerful beach to the stunning scenery ... both superb, colored to perfection! My oh my you do know how to pick the perfect papers EVERY. SINGLE. TIME! Love the little details, the beautiful scripture - smiling here from all this goodness! Blessings, friend! ♥

  4. Two fabulous cards- loving the cute card with the summer theme. Your nature themed card is so amazing- I love Psalm 23 so much! I think an appreciation for all things God created is such a Blessing for your Dad to pass on to you!

  5. I love everything about this card! I hadn'tseen this image and it is perfect for the challenge! As usual, your project is divine!!!

  6. Great cards Jeanette - the first is a really fun one - apart from the crabs ;-).
    The second is thoughtful and very appreciative - what a wonderful Dad you have.
